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My kids love playing games on the computer, and I don’t mind so much really, especially if they are learning at the same time. We were recently given lifetime access to Preschool Curriculum from La La Logic. While this is technically a preschool program, it’s geared for ages 3-6, and since Lucas falls into that range, I knew that I could make it work for us.
Last night, Lucas had his Kindergarten graduation through our homeschool co-op. We aren’t officially finished with school for the year, but there’s only 1 week of co-op left. This is the first time we’ve ever done any type of graduation ceremony with our kids. I loved it so much, though, and it makes me wish we’d have done something like this for the 3 older kids. I’m so proud of my Lucas!
I promise his face wasn’t dirty, the lighting so so weird in the church sanctuary.
Here’s one of the professional pics. She did such a great job!
Lucas has also been busy with t-ball. He loves it so much, and is so adorable in his uniform.
You may remember that some time back, we reviewed an elementary level of curriculum from ARTistic Pursuits with our son Issac. We were recently blessed to be able to review Middle School 6-8, Book 1: The Elements of Art and Composition with our daughter Rachelle. She’s the art buff in the family, so we were very excited for this opportunity! She loves to draw and paint, and was a bit jealous that Issac got to try this out before she did. This book is recommended for grades 6-8, or ages 11+.
I love it when I find new and unique products to use in our homeschool, even if it’s only for a short while. If it’s something that covers more than one subject, well, that’s even better! Our family was given the opportunity to try Orphs of the Woodlands from Star Toaster. The recommended starting grade is 4th, so only my 3 oldest children used this. Subscriptions normally last for 2 months, but we were given access for 1 full year. Extensions can also be purchased if needed. This is an online program, and is like a story, learning, and a game all-in-one. The title of the book is The Treasure of Hightower. One cool thing about the program is that many of the team members come form homeschooling families themselves. One team member is a teenager, and he did some of the coding, research, and even provided the voice for a character in the program.