I first heard about Trim Healthy Mama a few years ago from a magazine called Above Rubies. After a while curiosity got the best of me and I bought the Trim Healthy Mama Plan book. The book is huge, but I managed to read it in a couple of weeks; at least the plan aspect of it. The jist of it is to not mix high amounts of fat and carbs in the same meal and to space out your meals to at a minimum of every 3 hours, with the meals centered around protein. Meals are either S for Satisfying, or higher fat, E for energizing, or higher carbs, XO for Crossovers to help maintain weight, SH for S Helpers for those closer to goal weight, and last, but not least, FP for Fuel Pulls, which are low in both fat and carbs. Pearl and Serene have just re-released the book into 2 parts: the plan and the cookbook. Lots of people were overwhelmed with the 2 combined in the first book because it was seriously massive. This review is for the new plan book.