The only real Math curriculum I’ve ever used begins with 3rd grade. For younger grades, I’ve usually just used workbooks with the kids. So, when I was asked to use and review TouchMath for 2nd Grade, I was pretty stoked! Ethan is in 2nd grade, so I thought this would be perfect for him.
TouchMath offers options for PreK-3rd grades, and also Special Education and Intervention. The main product that I received for review is the 2nd grade unit modules. They are broken down into 4 units: A, B, C, and D, and are downloaded in PDF format. Each unit is available for purchase separately for $59.95, or you can purchase them together for $199.95 to save money. Units A, B, and C focus on addition and subtraction, while Unit D focuses on time, money, measurement, data, and geometry. You get everything you need to teach the curriculum in these downloads, however I was also sent the FlipCards for each Unit, which are $19 per set, totaling 12 card packs, TouchMath Tutor Second Grade Software which is $99, TouchNumerals with Base 10, $99, which contains foam numerals, operation symbols, Touch Points, and Base 10 trays. and the Student Number Cards, $24, which help students learn the touching/counting patterns.
The TouchMath isn’t some dinky little set of worksheets to use with your child. These files are HUGE and filled information to help you teach Math to your child the TouchMath way! You get a detailed description of what each Unit entails. I love that the TouchMath program is so helpful and easy for parents to teach.
TouchMath recommends that you spend 2.5 times the age of your child each day, 4-5 days per week on the program. For Ethan, this worked out to about 20 minutes or so per day. This is great for him because he’s so, um, hyper! There are some worksheets that works together, and others are worked on their own. All of the sheets in these units are printable, so you could make yourself a notebook if you wanted. I’m really into notebooks lately for whatever reason.
Ethan’s favorite thing to use was the TouchMath CD Software. I am not surprised, though, because he loves all things video game-related. After we did our daily worksheets, the game was the first thing he went for. It’s a fun travel/journey theme. I love that it keeps track of Ethan’s scores! He also enjoyed the TouchNumerals. Lucas enjoyed them as well, even though he wasn’t using the curriculum. Ethan had loads of fun punching them all out when our package came. Those things were every.where. We used them for the TouchPoints/Counting Pattern aspects of the curriculum.

We did utilize all of the manipulatives, just not all of them every day. I think that would be overwhelming unless it’s something your child really wants to do. Ethan gets overloaded really easily. The only thing he didn’t much care for was the FlipCards. Flashcards just aren’t his thing right now, but we’ll keep using them, just not every day. Each addition and subtraction card set works in groups of 10 or 20, and there is an awesome variety of sets that work with TouchMath.
I really like how all the products work SO well together, and the manipulatives make TouchMath even more fun to use.
You can go here to download sample pages if you like to try before you buy. There are also some sale items, too!
Overall, I am very happy with the TouchMath 2nd Grade curriculum. It is very thorough, probably the most thorough curriculum I’ve ever used. For our family, I’m not sure if we could afford to purchase all 4 units together. I would likely purchase 1 at a time, even though it costs more that way. The cost is the only downside for me, however, I do realize that price is not an issue for everyone. I would recommend TouchMath to those with children in the grades it is available for. Be sure to click below for other TOS Crew Reviews!

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